חדשות עולם הבטחון
אתר המיועד למתקיני מערכות אבטחה מקצועיים. האתר כולל חדשות, מדריכים ופורום לשאלות ותשובות, חדשות עולם הבטחון ...
- Make the site mobile device friendly.
- Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.
- Implement the viewport meta tag.
- Try to make your site load faster.
Domain : www.securitynews.co.il/
Character length : 23
חדשות עולם הבטחון
אתר המיועד למתקיני מערכות אבטחה מקצועיים. האתר כולל חדשות, מדריכים ופורום לשאלות ותשובות, חדשות עולם הבטחון
Keywords (meta keywords)
פורום, פורטל, חדשות, מאמרים, מערכת אזעקה, מערכות אזעקה, גלאי, גלאים, קווי, אלחוטי, בית חכם, פריצה, בקרת כניסה, טלויזיה במעגל סגור, CCTV, INTRUDER ALARM, ACCESS CONTROL, X10,
Error! Using “meta keywords” is meaningless in a while.
Error! Using “meta keywords” is meaningless in a while.
Open Graph Protocol
Good! The OG (Open Graph) protocol is set on this website.
type: alarms_for_you:story
url: http://www.securitynews.co.il/
title: פורטל מקצועי לבטחון ואבטחה - Alarms4U.co.il
image: https://s-static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/devsite/attachment_blank.png
Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Good! No underscore (_) found in the URLs.
Search engine friendly URLs
Good! The website uses SEO friendly URLs.
Checking the robots.txt file
There is robots.txt file.
User-agent | Disallowed for the search engines |
* |
Social Engagement
No info found.
Missing doctype element
Perfect! The character encoding is set: WINDOWS-1255.
Error! No language localization is found.
חדשות עולם הבטחון
Character length : 17
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Character length : 17
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 26%
Good! The text / code ratio is between 25 and 70 percent.
Good! The text / code ratio is between 25 and 70 percent.
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
1 | 8 | 33 | 29 | 0 | 0 |
Heading structure in the source code
- <H4> ñ÷ø äçåãù
- <H4> áòã àå ðâã îàâø ðúåðéí áéåîèøé îøëæé?
- <H2>
- <H2> çãùåú îåöøéí
- <H3> îòøëú äðòéìä äçëîä ENTR ùì îåìèéìå÷ ááéú äçëí ùì áæ÷
- <H3> îåèåøåìä ñåìåùðñ úùé÷ àú ä- LTE 10LEX îëùéø ëó éã çãù äîåúàí ìöøëé ùéøåúé äçéøåí åääöìä
- <H3> àéùåø ùáú ìîòøëåú øéñ÷åý
- <H3> ìúôåñ àú äôåøõ áàôìé÷öéä
- <H2> çãùåú çáøåú
- <H3> âí ùå÷ äàáèçä äôéñéú òåáø ìòðï - ÷áåöú øéñ÷å îùðä àú çå÷é äîùç÷
- <H3> úàâéã äâéçåï ééùí îðâðåðé àáèçä îú÷ãîéí ìäúâåððåú îôðé äú÷ôåú ñééáø
- <H3> ÷áåöú îø îèîéòä ôúøåï ñééáø ìîðéòú äåðàåú á÷øï äôðñéä ùì àøâåï îîùìúé áî÷ñé÷å
- <H2> çãùåú áèçåï îäàøõ åîäòåìí
- <H3> äñåôøîø÷è äîàåáèç áéåúø áîæøç äúéëåï
- <H3> éåæîä ìäôéëú òøéí ìáèåçåú éåúø áàîöòåú ëìé àðìéèé÷ä áæîï àîú
- <H3> ÷áåöú øéñ÷å äéùøàìéú úñô÷ ôúøåðåú àáèçä èëðåìåâééí ìîëùéøé ëñôåîè åëñôåú áð÷éí áñéï
- <H2> àáèçú îéãò (IT)
- <H3> éåúø îùúîùéí, éåúø äú÷ôåú: ðúåðé îòáãú ÷ñôøñ÷é îöáéòéí òì æéðå÷ áòáøééðåú áéè÷åéï
- <H3> îòáãú ÷ñôøñ÷é çåùôú ÷îôééï øéâåì î÷ååï ùôâò áçáøåú îùç÷éí î÷ååðéí áøçáé äòåìí
- <H3> ëøåí òì äëååðú: äéæäøå î Theola - úåñó æãåðé ìãôãôï ëøåí
- <H2> çãùåú äé-è÷ åèëðåìåâéä
- <H3> ëðñ "çéãåùéí èëðåìåâééí áúçåí äáéèçåï" áçñåú çèéáú äèëðåìåâéåú îáéú G4S éùøàì
- <H3> ãå"ç àéåîé äàéðèøðè ùì çáøú ESET ìçåãù îàé
- <H3> G4S çèéáú äèëðåìåâéåú: çéãåùéí èëðåìåâééí åîáè òì îðäøåú úùúéú øá îòøëúéåú
- <H3> ëðñ ì÷åçåú ÷áåöú G4S éùøàì 2013: àúâøéí áèçåðééí áòåìí îùúðä
- <H3> ñéîðè÷ îâéðä òì òåìí àîéõ çãù ùì ñçø àì÷èøåðé
- <H3> îèøé÷ñ çúîä òì äñëí ìééöåâ éöøðéú ôúøåðåú àáèçú äîéãò Trustware äéùøàìéú
- <H2> îàîøéí
- <H3> áèçåï åàáèçä
- <H4> îò÷á áñéëåï: äà÷øéí éëåìéí ìùðåú àú æøéîú äåéãéàå áîòøëåú èìååéæéä áîòâì ñâåø (CCTV)
- <H4> òåáãéí âåøîéí ìàåáãï âãåì éåúø ùì ðúåðéí îàùø ôøöåú áúåëðä
- <H4> àçã î-5 îùúîùéí îëñéí àú îöìîú äøùú áùì çùù îøéâåì
- <H3> ú÷éðä åáéèåç
- <H4> äô÷ãú ðù÷ áî÷åí äòéñå÷ - äðçéåú äàâó ìøéùåé ëìé éøéä
- <H4> çèéáú àáèçä îîìéöä ìáãå÷ çå÷éåú äô÷"î
- <H4> äåôöå ñéãøä ùì ú÷ðéí çãùéí ìäòøåú ìöéáåø - ú÷ðéí çãùéí äîâãéøí àú îáðä äîå÷ã
- <H3> áéú çëí
- <H4> çáøú ùðééãø àì÷èøé÷ éùøàì îùé÷ä àú éçéãú äá÷øä Micrologic E
- <H4> PLC - áéú çëí åú÷ùåøú òì úùúéú øùú äçùîì äáéúéú
- <H4> áéú çëí ùåîø îñåøú
- <H3> ôéñ÷é ãéï
- <H4> áéú äîùôè äòìéåï: îåúø ìçôù òì àãí âí ììà ñîëåú áäñëîúå
- <H4> äàí çåáä ìäâéò ìòñ÷ ìáãé÷ä áò÷áåú ãéååç äîå÷ã òì àæò÷ä?
- <H4> ãøéùåú äçå÷ ì÷áìú øùéåï òñ÷ ìäú÷ðú îòøëåú àæò÷ä
- <H3> ëììé
- <H4> ôøåô' ðéá àçéèåá, ðùéà îøëæ à÷ãîé ãï: "áòúéã ä÷øåá ðâéò ìòåìí ììà ôøèéåú"
- <H4> çéñëåï òìåéåú áú÷åôú îùáø
- <H4> îç÷ø àåáéé÷èéáé çãù ÷åáò: èëðåìåâéú äåéøèåàìéæöéä ùì VMware îøéöä ôé ùðééí àôìé÷öéåú åáòìåú ðîåëä ìàôìé÷öéä
- <H2> ãøåùéí
- <H1> áøåëéí äáàéí ìàúø äáéú ùì Alarms4U
- <H3> çãùåú òåìí äáèçåï
- <H3> äð÷øàéí áéåúø
- <H3> çãùåú äé-è÷
- <H3> çãùåú ëììéåú
- <H3> îàîøéí
- <H3> àøëéåï çãùåú åîàîøéí
- <H4> çãùåú òåìí äáéèçåï
- <H4> çãùåú äé-è÷
- <H4> çãùåú ëììéåú
- <H4> îàîøéí
- <H3> îéãò ëììé - òãëåðéí
- <H3> çãùåú îäàøõ åäòåìí
- <H3> ÷éùåøéí îåîìöéí
- <H4> äåøãåú îãøéëéí ìîú÷éðéí
- <H4> äåøãåú ëììé
- <H4> ëììé
- <H4> îòøëåú àæò÷ä åâìàéí (äúøàä òì ôøéöä)
- <H4> îöìîåú àáèçä
- <H4> éöøðéí áúçåí âéìåé àù
- <H4> á÷øú ëðéñä, ãìúåú, îðòåìéí åëã'
- <H4> ìéîåãéí
Word cloud
- çãùåú36
- òåã21
- îòøëåú21
- áúçåí15
- øéñ÷å14
- ôúøåðåú14
- ÷áåöú13
- éùøàì11
- áéú10
- çáøú10
- àáèçä10
- øàùé9
- äéùøàìéú8
- çëí8
- çèéáú8
- çãù8
- áèçåï8
- àæò÷ä8
- áàúø8
- ëðñ7
- äàçøåðåú7
- úôøéè7
- ëììé7
- àáèçú7
- éåúø6
- îäàøõ6
- áðåùà6
- ðîåê6
- îàîøéí6
- äçëí6
- ãøåùéí6
- äàáèçä6
- ôåøåîéí6
- ñééáø6
- äçãùåú6
- èëðåìåâééí6
- áéåúø6
- äîàîøéí6
- ìëì6
- ááéú5
- îòøëú5
- èëðåìåâéåú5
- îúç5
- áæ÷5
- îùðä5
- ôøéöä5
- äáéèçåï5
- ñâåø5
- àéùåø5
- äèëðåìåâéåú5
- ùéøåúé5
- cctv5
- çáøåú5
- åîàîøéí5
- äáéú5
- eset4
- àåãéå4
- åéãàå4
- ùáú4
- éöøðéú4
Keyword matrix
word | title | descriptions | heading |
çãùåú | |||
òåã | |||
îòøëåú | |||
áúçåí | |||
øéñ÷å | |||
ôúøåðåú |
Two Word cloud
- ÷áåöú øéñ÷å4
- áéú çëí4
- æäåú åãøëåï4
- øéñ÷å äéùøàìéú4
- úôøéè øàùé4
- îúç ðîåê3
404 Page
The website has no standard 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Good! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
We found 34 images on this web page.
Alternate attributes for the following 28 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
Alternate attributes for the following 28 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
- http://www.gstatic.com/ads/branding/adplanner/adp120_60.gif
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/logo_beterem.gif
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/./minisurvey/images/pb.gif (4 occurrences)
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/./minisurvey/images/pbw.gif (4 occurrences)
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/.. /spacer.gif (2 occurrences)
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/ENTR-thumb.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/lexl10.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/lightsys2.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/.. /RISCO_smartphone_hand.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/amazya-risco.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/computer_attack.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/logo_mer.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/logo_risco.jpg (1 occurrences)
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/articles/logo_sap.jpg
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/rss_icon.png
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/images/spacer.gif (1 occurrences)
Mobile optimization
Error! This website is not optimized for mobile devices... It is optimized for devices which have at least 965px wide display!
Deprecated HTML elements
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated HTML tags | Occurrences |
<font> | 21 |
Redirection (www / not www)
Good! The web address is accessible only in one version. The version without www is redirected to the version with www.
Deprecated HTML elements
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated HTML tags | Occurrences |
<font> | 21 |
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.
Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Loading time
25,799 ms
Table layout
Error! Avoid using nested tables!
Render blocking resources
Good! No render blocking elements found!
Good! Just a few javascript files are detected on the website.
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/flex_cs.js
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
Great! The Javascript files are minified.
Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
- http://www.securitynews.co.il/templates/Amis-darkGreen-Hebrew/darkGreen.css
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
Great! The CSS elements are minified.
Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Your site uses compression.
Browser cache
The browser cache is set correctly for all elements.
File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
All images are optimized.
We found a total of 198 different links.
Internal links: 143
External links: 55
Internal links: 143
External links: 55
External links:
Internal links:
External hidden links
Good! No hidden external links found
Looking for eval()
Good! No eval(bas64_decode()) scripts are found
Checking for XSS vulnerability
No XSS vulnerability found
Email encryption
Warning! The website contains at least one unencrypted email address.
Error! No favicon is found. Using favicon helps to build a better brand quicker.
- H3 : ????? ???? ??????, ( 243px from top )
- H3 : ??????? ?????, ( 446px from top )
- H2 : , ( 453.9375px from top )
- H3 : ????? ??-??, ( 499px from top )
- H2 : ????? ??????, ( 540.203125px from top )
- H3 : ????? ?????? ????? ENTR™ ?? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ???, ( 597.46875px from top )
- H3 : ????? ??????, ( 655px from top )
- H4 : ??? ?????, ( 691px from top )
- H3 : ???????? ??????? ???? ?? ?- LTE 10LEX ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????, ( 731.46875px from top )
- H3 : ????? ??? ??????? ??????, ( 731.46875px from top )
- H3 : ????? ?? ????? ?????????, ( 731.46875px from top )
- H4 : ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????, ( 764px from top )
- H3 : ??????, ( 837px from top )
- H3 : ?????? ????? ???????, ( 1010px from top )
- H4 : ????? ???? ???????, ( 1046px from top )
- H2 : ????? ?????, ( 1100.734375px from top )
- H3 : ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? - ????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????, ( 1144px from top )
- H3 : ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?????, ( 1144px from top )
- H3 : ????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????, ( 1144px from top )
- H4 : ????? ??-??, ( 1155px from top )
- H4 : ????? ??????, ( 1234px from top )
- H4 : ??????, ( 1283px from top )
- H3 : ???? ???? - ???????, ( 1393px from top )
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